GONG & ALIVENESS FESTIVAL på Lotussenteret i Stavern/ Larvik 17.-22.juni 2019

GONG & ALIVENESS FESTIVAL på Lotussenteret i Stavern/ Larvik 17.-22.juni 2019

Velkommen til Gong festival 17.juni – 22.juni 2019 på Lotussenteret i Larvik.

I samarbeid med http://aliveness.no/ og Tor Arne Håve arrangerer Lotussenteret Gong festival fra mandag 17.juni til lørdag 22.juni 2019.

Det vil bli ulike arrangementer hver dag og ved å gå inn på nettsiden http://aliveness.no/  vil du kunne booke og bestille plass på disse.

Gong festivalen avsluttes med et meget spesielt arrangement: En hel natt med Gong spilling foran bålet.

I tillegg arrangeres det eget kurs innen Gong, du finner informasjon om dette på samme nettside: http://aliveness.no/

Her er hovedinformasjon på engelsk:

Gong Yoga Therapy
The Basis of Sound Healing and Yoga Therapy
How to Structure a Gong Therapy Session
How to Play the Gong Therapeutically
Preparing the Gong Therapy Environment
Client Assessment and Development of Therapy Session
Considerations for Selecting and Using Gongs
Using Mudras, Mantras, and Pranayama Therapeutically
Guided Meditation and Relaxation for Gong Therapy
Gong Therapy for Groups
Gong Therapy as a Profession

The foundation of Bioenergetic Analysis
Working with breath
Contain excitement
Expressing deep emotions
Working with Traumas
The basics of body reading
Gongs and other instruments
There will be several different gongs available for the training during both courses. Both Norse gongs, Paiste symphonic and planetary gongs, singing bowls and other different healing instruments. You will have lots of time to practice your gong-playing techniques.
You will be introduced to intuitive gong playing where you will let go of all the given techniques and move from mental playing to intuitive, heartfelt playing – letting the gong play you and open yourself up to the full potential of the gong!

About the teachers
Mehtab Benton
Mehtab is Kundalini Yoga Lead Teacher Trainer. Mehtab has practiced and taught Kundalini Yoga since 1974 and attended the first teacher training course personally taught by Yogi Bhajan, the master of Kundalini Yoga. Mehtab is a licensed Lead Trainer in the KRI Aquarian Academy and has been the lead teacher in over 35 Level 1 and Level 2 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training courses throughout the United States. He is the recipient of the International Kundalini Yoga Teacher’s Association “Building Communities in Yoga” award and the Kundalini Yoga Teacher of the Year award. Mehtab has trained hundred teachers in the Kundalini and Hatha traditions in North America and teaches in Europe as well as Central and South America. He is the author and originator of Gong Yoga and conducts trainings in how to play the gong, gong yoga teacher training, and gong therapy. He is a certified Vedic Astrology and the author of Astrology Yoga.
Tor Arne Håve
Tor Arne Haave (1964) Master of Management (Org. Psykology), Diploma in International Economics and Marketing, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Gongmaster, Sound Healer, TRE LII Facilitator (Trauma and Tension Releasing Exercises ), CSMI (Certifed Silva Method Instructor), Bioenergetic Analysis (Bioenergetic Instructor). First Education was Electrican.
Tor Arne Håve is dedicated to work with people based on a shamanistic life view. He is motivated by the possibility to create more joy, love and harmony in thus world. Following his open heart he loves to make people laughter and develop their own creativity. He is a beliver in using a sens of humor meeting people without predjustice and no fear. He Advoceds that delvelopment of love and compassion is propably two of the most important skills we as humans can develop.
We will have a program that is flexible and open for creativity , the model for this workshop is GROUNDING – TEORY – PRACTICE – SHARING – PAUSE.
18 Jun
08:30 Good Morning Circle
08:45 Course Material, Saying Hello
09:15 First Session (Yoga/Bioenergetics)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Second Session (Yoga/Bioenergetics)
17:00 Good evening Circle
19 Jun
08:30 Good Morning Circle
08:00 First Session (Yoga/Bioenergetics)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Second Session (Yoga/Bioenergetics)
17:00 Good evening Circle
20 Jun
08:30 Good Morning Circle
08:00 First Session (Yoga/Bioenergetics)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Second Session (Yoga/Bioenergetics)
16:00 Certification
17:00 Good Journey Circle